GIF Project, FINAL



The concept began from something comedic then taking it a serious topic. The idea did change several times, but wasn’t difficult to congure up the final product. It has symmetry and focuses your eye on the central idea. The hierarchy and my choice of font/colors highlights the importance.



The concept began from taking a local element and a know lyrics. Using hierarchy it guides the reader through the GIF. The contrast makes it easy to read as well as the choice of type, no serifs.



The idea was using my 140 pound Rottweiler and German Shepard mix I would create the concept of being hungry especially students on campus wanting more to eat. The casual movement gives it another characteristic. Text and content both assist the idea of food even though the video has nothing to do with food. My choice to use Tyson was using any unique qualities he has to develop creative work from. Also, develop a funny memory for when he passes. Any concept needs to be as specific, but general as possible to target a certain demographic while still being relatable for most people.

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